Imagine the waves of the sea crashing onto the shore…the warm feel of the sun kissed sand on your feet, as you walk on the beach, hand in hand with your loved ones. Indeed, the warmth of the seaside leaves with us bright, happy memories to cherish for life.  Bergamot oil in a perfume adds the necessary touch to produce such a warm, sunny feel. 

Bergamot is a citrus fruit native to southern Italy, though the fruit is also produced in Argentina, Brazil, Algeria, the Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, and South-East Asia. Noted for its freshness and ability to combine with a range of scents, Bergamot (pronounced buh.guh.mawt) oil is one of the most commonly used ingredients in the perfume industry, in vogue since the 16th century. It takes about 100 Bergamot oranges to produce 3 oz of Bergamot oil. Peeler machines scrape the outside of the fruit under running water to get an emulsion which is then channelled into centrifuges for separating the essence from the water. 

This element of your perfume is highly fragrant with a sunny sweet scent, typical of citrus fruits, and has the ability to balance the mix of aromas thereby enhancing the fragrance. It is often paired with rosemary, thyme, lavender, orange, and lemon to form an eclectic, complementary blend of scents.  Be it an interview, day to day office, an evening out with friends or an attempt to impress the opposite sex, we have used the citrus smell along with notes of tartness and acidity in Bergamot oil to bring to you a unique array of perfumes that suit every occasion.  

Hvnly perfumes containing Bergamot:-


Blossom, Grace


Charm, Wicked


Author: Sandipani Padhi

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